The services we provide are all on a privately paying basis. Information on the Family Law Services we provide and those we do not provideWe provided advice and representation in the following areas;
Where children were involved, our areas of advice and assistance included:
We do not provide services in respect of legal aid or mental health issues. Please feel free to review the family section of our site for the examples of cases we have taken on in the past. Our Prices and CostsOur pricing for bringing and defending family law matters in similar matters as the written examples of cases described on this website are as follows: Simple case including advice: £2,500 (plus 20% VAT) – £5,000 (plus 20% VAT) Medium complexity case: £5,000 (plus 20% VAT) – £25,000 (plus 20% VAT) High complexity case if it involves litigation and going to court: £50,000 (plus 20% VAT) – £300,000 (plus 20% VAT). Factors that could make a case more complex:
There will be an additional charge for attending courts of a minimum of £5,000 plus 20% VAT per day (excluding the cost of a barrister). Generally, we would allow 5 – 10 days minimum on most cases depending on the complexity of your case. DisbursementsDisbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as court fees. We handle the payment of the disbursements on your behalf to ensure a smoother process. Counsel's fees are estimated at between £3,500 plus 20% vat – £8,500 plus 20% vat per day (depending on experience of the advocate and the preparation of a skeleton argument as required by the court) for attending a Court Hearing (including preparation) Key stagesThe fees set out above cover all of the work in relation to the following key stages of a claim:
The stages set out above are an indication and if some of stages above are not required, the fee will be reduced. You may wish to handle the claim yourself and only have our advice in relation to some of the stages. This can also be arranged on your individual needs. How long will my matter take?The time that it takes from taking your initial instructions to the final resolution of your matter depends largely on the stage at which your case is resolved. If a settlement is reached during initial pre-claim settlement, your case is likely to take 8 – 16 weeks. If your claim proceeds to a Final Hearing, your case is likely to take up to a year depending on the complexity. This is just an estimate and we will of course be able to give you a more accurate timescale once we have more information and as the matter progresses. |
Work Done |
Please contact us for more details on any of the foregoing : EMPLOYMENT LAWWe represented clients on a wide range of employment matters, including;
Example of recent work;
FAMILY LAWWe provided advice and representation in the following areas;
Where children were involved, our areas of advice and assistance included:
Example of recent work;
WILLS & INTESTACYWe have represented and provided advice to international clients in matters involving contentious probate and intestacy disputes either directly or through our vast network of international law firms sometimes where the client could not travel overseas or where litigation had already been commenced against the client in the UK or overseas. In one instance, in the High Court at the Strand, we provided evidence of a mutual will which was not validly revoked by a testator to set aside a later will made by the testator which was not in favour of the testator's spouse. We have successfully "warned off" caveats filed against the applicants for letters of administration in overseas jurisdiction, conducted relevant searches at the Probate Registry, provided advice to clients on the resealing of grants of administration and successfully prevented a deceased's estate being being taken into receivership pending the grant of letters of administration. Clients include individuals and families from the UK, India, Nigeria & USA.
RESIDENTIAL CONVEYANCINGWe provided advice and representation to both landlords and tenants in respect of their rights in applications to acquire the freehold of leasehold houses and lease extensions of both flats and houses. We also advised property owners on short-term lettings for investment purposes and prospective tenants on the terms of tenancy agreements for occupation.Additional work done included;
IMMIGRATIONWe provided advice and representation on the following issues;
Other examples of recent work;
LITIGATIONWe instructed counsel and represented clients in all the following courts;
Practice Areas |
Employment Law |
Family Law |
Wills & Intestacy |
Immigration |
Litigation - Commercial |
Speciality Practice |
Residential - Conveyancing |