Please contact us for more details on any of the foregoing : IMMIGRATION LAWThe services we provide are all on a privately paying basis. Information on the Immigration Services we provide and those we do not provideWe provide advice and representation on the following immigration issues;
We do not carry out asylum applications nor legal aid applications nor mental health applications under the Immigration laws. The people carrying out the work.Our Principal - Akin Williams has primary responsibility for the legal work carried out on each matter and is charged out at £350.00 plus 20% VAT per hour - £450.00 plus 20% VAT per hour depending on the nature of the work and its complexity. Our Principal has over 17 years post qualification experience as a solicitor in the UK and over 30 years post qualification experience as a solicitor from a foreign common law jurisdiction. Our Prices and CostsGenerally, our Principal’s hourly rate is: £350 per hour plus 20% VAT – £500 per hour plus 20% VAT depending on the complexity of the matter. Our retainer letter will however state all the specific requirements of the work to be done however, on average, basic immigration written advisory work takes between 5 – 20 hours to complete. This means that on average costs are between £1750 plus 20% VAT – £10,000 plus 20% VAT depending on the complexity of the immigration advice required. The exact number of hours it will take depends on the circumstances in your case. Such as:
What services are includedThe work will generally involve:
Work Done |
Please contact us for more details on any of the foregoing : EMPLOYMENT LAWWe represented clients on a wide range of employment matters, including;
Example of recent work;
FAMILY LAWWe provided advice and representation in the following areas;
Where children were involved, our areas of advice and assistance included:
Example of recent work;
WILLS & INTESTACYWe have represented and provided advice to international clients in matters involving contentious probate and intestacy disputes either directly or through our vast network of international law firms sometimes where the client could not travel overseas or where litigation had already been commenced against the client in the UK or overseas. In one instance, in the High Court at the Strand, we provided evidence of a mutual will which was not validly revoked by a testator to set aside a later will made by the testator which was not in favour of the testator's spouse. We have successfully "warned off" caveats filed against the applicants for letters of administration in overseas jurisdiction, conducted relevant searches at the Probate Registry, provided advice to clients on the resealing of grants of administration and successfully prevented a deceased's estate being being taken into receivership pending the grant of letters of administration. Clients include individuals and families from the UK, India, Nigeria & USA.
RESIDENTIAL CONVEYANCINGWe provided advice and representation to both landlords and tenants in respect of their rights in applications to acquire the freehold of leasehold houses and lease extensions of both flats and houses. We also advised property owners on short-term lettings for investment purposes and prospective tenants on the terms of tenancy agreements for occupation.Additional work done included;
IMMIGRATIONWe provided advice and representation on the following issues;
Other examples of recent work;
LITIGATIONWe instructed counsel and represented clients in all the following courts;
Practice Areas |
Employment Law |
Family Law |
Wills & Intestacy |
Immigration |
Litigation - Commercial |
Speciality Practice |
Residential - Conveyancing |